Different types of industrial doors explained

Industrial doors come in all different types, colours and sizes. Whatever kind of industrial door you need, there’s bound to be something for you.

Want to know more? Read on, because this blog post will go over the different kinds of industrial doors that are available.

Sectional doors

Sectional doors are so-named they are made up of sections. When these doors open, the separate sections fold up together.

Sectional doors are popular because they are affordable, efficient and easy to open and close. They come with either a manual or an electronic mechanism. Furthermore, they are easy to maintain.

Roller shutter doors

Roller shutter doors are also very popular. They roll up to open and roll down to close. These doors are very useful when space is limited because they open upwards rather than inwards or outwards.

Roller shutters are used on all types of industrial buildings, including warehouses and factories. Their popularity is partly due to their strength: these doors are very strong and they therefore make an excellent security measure.

Sliding folding doors

This type of door opens in a sliding fashion. They are very easy to open and close – just slide them across and that’s all there is to it. What’s more, they are easy to maintain, and they also ensure that entrances have optimal clearance.

Sliding folding doors are often seen on aircraft hangers, boatyards, farms, factories and industrial units.

Roller grilles

A roller grille is basically a roller shutter door but with lots of holes in it. The hole sections allow for greater ventilation and visibility – people can see into your premises even when you are closed. The typical uses for roller grilles are shopfronts and car parks.

Steel door sets

Instead of buying doors and then buying the fixing frame separately, a door set is a door panel and fixing frame in one. The advantages of door sets is that they are more reliable and have greater performance. Steel door sets are often used for fire exits because of their ability to contain fires.

Fire protection doors

If it’s fire protection you’re after, then fire doors are the perfect solution. These are typically roller shutter doors that have been tested and certified to withstand fires. Each fire door has its own rating which tells you how long the door can withstand fire. Typical ratings are 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes.

High-speed doors

If what you need is speed, then look no further than rapid roll doors, which are also known as high-speed doors. These doors are designed to open and close as quickly as possible, thereby reducing heat loss, noise contamination and airborne pollution. What’s more, they reduce the time that your staff have to wait for the doors to open.


There are many kinds of industrial door. But whatever your needs, we have an industrial door for you. What’s more, all our doors can be painted whichever colour you choose. Just ask about our painting service!

If you’d like more information about industrial doors, just call us on 0121 752 2765 or fill in our contact form at https://nortonindustrialdoors.co.uk/contact-us/. We look forward to hearing from you!